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How To Plant & Grow Bulbs

Most bulbs are very easy to grow. Once planted in the ground they need little attention but will put on an amazing show in the spring.

Most bulbs prefer a warm, sunny position with good drainage, to avoid the bulbs rotting while dormant. Add garden compost to light or sandy soils, and improve heavy garden soils with compost and grit.



Plant corms 3" deep, 8" apart (there is no right or wrong way up with anemone corms). Plant in April for June-July flowering; in June for September flowering; plant in September in mild areas, or under cloches for late winter/early spring flowering.

Corms can be lifted and dried, or can be left in the ground, where they will flower annually in the spring.

Crocuses, Daffodils, Narcissi, Snowdrops, Tulips

These should be planted at two to three times their own depth.

Place bulbs in holes with the point uppermost. Holes should be spaced to at least twice the bulbs' own width apart. Replace the soil and firm down gently. Avoid treading on the soil afterwards as this may damage the bulbs' growing points.

There is no need to water autumn-planted bulbs.


Cut dead flower heads at the base of the flower stalk. This stops the plant using its energy to make seeds, and diverts it into building up the bulbs for the following year.

Wait for at least six weeks after the end of flowering before cutting back any dead leaves. It's best to remove foliage only once the leaves are yellow. Also, do not tie or knot the leaves as this interferes with the building up of the bulbs for the following year.

Pests and Diseases

Slugs and snails can be a problem, while squirrels, cats and mice will sometimes dig up bulbs. Protect with chicken wire or other netting until the bulbs are established. Birds will sometimes shred crocus flowers for no obvious reason; they particularly like white and yellow flowers. Daffodils, narcissi and tulips are susceptible to viruses, and snowdrops can suffer from grey mould. If snowdrops don't flower it can be a sign that plant clumps have gone 'blind' and need to be thinned out.

Growing in Containers

Most bulbs will grow happily in containers.

For bulbs that will be in the containers for only one season, use a mixture of 3 parts good multi-purpose compost to one part grit (to improve drainage). If the bulbs are to stay in the containers for some years, use 3 parts John Innes No.2 compost to one part grit.

Plant bulbs at three times their depth and one bulb width apart, water once after planting, and then water regularly once they start growing. Reduce watering when the leaves begin to die down. Feed regularly every week or so with a liquid tomato feed until the foliage starts to die down.

To protect freshly planted bulbs from cats and squirrels, cover the containers with chicken wire until the bulbs are established.


Naturalising Bulbs

Bulbs can easily be naturalised in lawns and woodland settings. Scatter them by dropping a handful from waist height, and planting them where they land, using a trowel or bulb planter, replacing the plug of soil once the bulbs are in place. Alternatively, lift a piece of turf, scatter the bulbs on the soil and relace the turn, gently firming it in.


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