How To Sow & Grow Cucumbers

- Sow under protection in pots late April-early May by placing seeds on end, blunted end pointing downwards in compost; simply push into compost until out of sight.
- Protect newly sown seeds from mice. Mice are notorious for 'sniffing out' seed of this nature.
- Water thoroughly and germinate at a temperature of 75°F (24°C).
- When seed leaves are developed reduce temperature to around 65° - 70°F (18º - 21°C).
Planting Out & Growing On
- Plant out late May (unheated greenhouse), or later if growing outside. Plant two per growbag or straw bale or one per large pot.
- Keep the soil/compost moist - watering around the plant, not the foliage.
- Support the plants with canes or let them trail along the ground (protected by straw or similar).
- Pinch out the tip of each side shoot two leaves beyond flowers and pinch out flowerless shoots when they reach 2ft in length.
- Harvest as required, but try and keep on top of production by picking regularly - this will encourage the plants to continue flowering and thus fruiting.
Removing Male Flowers
You only need to remove the male flowers on all female hybrid varieties of Cucumber.
The reason for removing the male flowers is that all female varieties of cucumber have parthenocarpic flowers (meaning they produce fruits without being fertilised). However, just because they do not need fertilising does not mean that they cannot be fertilised - and should they be pollinated by male flowers the resultant fruits can taste sharper and more bitter - and will contain seed.
In the first instance, the thing to remember is not to panic - if you do not remove the male flowers the fruits will be perfectly edible - and probably sweeter and more tasty that a supermarket cucumber! To identify the male flowers, simply look 'behind' the flower - if there is a tiny fruit present this is a female flower so leave; if there is no fruit remove as it is male.
5 ResultsCucumber Seed 'Crystal Apple'
Ridge Cucumber. Rounded fruits turn a delicate lemon yellow when ready to eat. Sweet and juicy flavour. Suitable for both outdoor or protected growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.
Cucumber Seed 'Cuccino'
A mini-cucumber that produces green fruits with an excellent flavour, ideal for lunch boxes. Recommended for protected growing only.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.
Cucumber Seed 'La Diva'
Ridge Cucumber. Producing crisp, sweet fruits that are seedless and non-bitter, this is maybe the ultimate hybrid Cucumber for outdoor growing. F1 hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.
Cucumber Seed 'Louisa'
An all-female, high-yielding, smooth-skinned cucumber that is early to crop. Best grown under protection. Lovely sweet flavour. Mildew resistant.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.
Cucumber Seed 'Passandra'
Picked regularly this will produce an abundant crop of small cucumbers with a great flavour and crunch. Perfect for lunch boxes. Best grown under protection. F1 hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.