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Hybrid Berries

6 Results
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Japanese Wineberry

sq-japanese-wineberry-002.jpg Unbelievably sweet orange-red to dark red berries of delicious flavour. Vigorous and upright habit. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Buy 1 Now for £12.95Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Loganberry 'Ly 654'

sq-loganberry-ly654-003.jpg Cross between a Raspberry and Blackberry. The thornless clone of the best known of the hybrid berries. Delicious cone-shaped berries have a pleasant sharpness.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Loganberry 'Ly 654'

Buy 1 Now for £12.95Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly


sq-tayberry-003.jpg A cross between a Blackberry and a Raspberry. Consistently produces heavy crops of dark red juicy fruits. Copes well with colder climates. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Buy 1 Now for £12.95Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Tayberry 'Buckingham' (Thornless)

tayberry-002.jpg The most exciting new hybrid berry for many years - a tayberry without spines! Large purple red fruits have a pleasantly sharp flavour. Excellent cold tolerance. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Tayberry 'Buckingham' (Thornless)

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sq-tummelberry-006.jpg A fairly new hybrid berry. Produces large rounded fruits with a bright red colour and superb flavour. Heavy cropping and excellent winter hardiness. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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sq-boysenberry-001.jpg A cross between a Loganberry and Blackberry. Large juicy black fruits taste like a sweet blackberry. Very strong and vigorous habit. Self Fertile.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late November / early December
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Boysenberry