Leek & Potato Soup Recipe

Ingredients (serves 4)
- 4 leeks, sliced thinly.
- 3 large potatoes, peeled and diced.
- 1 onion, peeled and sliced.
- 2 pints vegetable stock.
- 1 oz (25 g) butter.
- 2 tbsp single cream.
- Salt and pepper
- Melt the butter in a large saucepan and sauté the leeks, potatoes and onions for about 5 minutes, until soft but not brown.
- Add the stock and lightly season, cover and simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Liquidise and pass through a sieve to make it silky smooth.
- Reheat in a clean saucepan and check seasoning.
To serve, ladle into warmed soup bowls and swirl in half a tablespoon of cream per bowl.
12 ResultsLeek Seed 'Musselburgh'
A very hardy variety that produces excellent quality leeks. Fantastically sweet whether eaten as baby leeks or allowed to mature.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Onion Seed 'Red Brunswick'
A reliable cropping variety. Medium to large red onions are mild and have a gorgeously sweet flavour. Will store well into spring (if you don't eat them before!).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Onion Seed 'Shirley's Giant Exhibition'
One of the largest golden-skinned onion varieties you are ever likely to see. Excellent flavour and very good keeping qualities. A prize-winner in every way.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.
Potato Tuber 'Pentland Javelin'
First early. High yielding white, waxy potato, good for salad potatoes and popular for its flavour. Disease resistant. First introduced by Dr Dunnett in 1968.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes
Potato Tuber Casablanca
First early variety of Scottish white potato. Excellent for chips, boiled, baked and more. Quick to crop and easy to grow with good disease resistance.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes
Leek Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'
Our own re-selection of the tried and trusted variety 'Musselburgh'. Very hardy and will grow to huge proportions; perfect for the exhibition bench.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery fresh transplants.
Onion Plant 'Red Brunswick'
An excellent traditional variety of red onion with a mild sweet taste. Produces a good-sized onion that stores well and has an excellent flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.
Onion Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'
Prize-winning, huge white onions. Individual onions weighing in at 6lbs each! Stores well for winter use and good flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.
Potato Tuber 'Forest Gold'
First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Thin white skin covers the deliciously sweet white flesh. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'Home Guard'
First Early. First introduced in 1942. A very early variety with a fantastic flavour and good scab resistance. A good all rounder perfect for steaming / boiling, baking, mash, roasting, frying and sauté.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'International Kidney'
First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Harvested early this produces heavy crops of small, waxy potatoes which rarely need peeling before use. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'Pink Fir Apple'
Maincrop / Salad. First introduced in 1850. Pink skinned long and knobbly potatoes have a waxy yellow flesh and rich flavour. Best for steaming / boiling, salads, roasting and chips.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.