Gardening Books
Quite simply, you can never have too many gardening books!
Our selection of books is suitable for novices and keen gardeners alike, and reflects our ethos that things should be done 'nature's way' and always with nature in mind.
With gardening, techniques may change, and ideas may fall in and out of fashion, but the premise and theory - for the most part - remains the same! Yet for amateur and keen gardeners alike, there is an abundance of knowledge and gardening wisdom to be learned, so what better way to spend your non-gardening time than by reading about it?
The Shirley family are immensely proud of their private collection of books on gardening and horticultural practice, some of which date back hundreds of years. We have endeavoured to create a small but perfectly formed listing of books that we think will be of great use to gardeners of all abilities, but which also reflect our own ethos that things are done according to 'nature's way'.
Whilst we don't claim that any of the books in this listing are exclusive to Victoriana, we would say that they seem to be harder to find in the shops than they ought to be, given their merit!
Bonsai - An Illustrated Guide To An Ancient Art
Teaches everything from the spirit behind Bonsai trees to creating of them. Details the best varieties to choose for bonsai as well as more advanced techniques.
Available Now
Supplied as an 80 page (A4), softback book.
General Fuchsia Cultivation
An excellent booklet that provides a basic look at how to grow fuchsias. It's simplistic approach and helpful hints makes it ideal for beginners.
Available Now
Supplied as a 29 page (A5), softback book.
Growing & Showing Fuchsias
Leo Boullemier offers you the facts and tips on how to win your fuchsia competitions with whichever type you prefer to grow.
Available Now
Supplied as a 66 pages (A5), hardback book.
Mushrooms - Nature's Major Protein Food
This book covers everything you could ever want to know about mushrooms. History, nutrition, culture, taste and more.
Available Now
Supplied as a 64 page (approximately DL size), softback book. Please note these books have slightly damaged covers.
Success With Organic Fruit
Packed with practical advice and full colour pictures to help you grow your fruit organically.
Available Now
Supplied as a 160 page (slightly smaller than A4), softback book.

The Small Ecological Garden
An interesting book to help you choose the correct plants for your soil to attracting wildlife to enjoy in your garden.
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Supplied as a 48 page (slightly smaller than A4), softback book. Limited stocks available.