Parsnip Seed Blend
Pastinaca sativa 'Tender and True' / 'White Gem'
- Two of our favourite varieties of Parsnip!
- Long roots from one short and stubby from the other.
- Both resistant to canker and both have an excellent flavour.
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.
This Product is Available Now.GBP1 or more £1.65 each
These two favourite varieties of parsnip will give you the best of both worlds - short and stubby roots from 'White Gem' and long tapering roots from 'Tender and True'. Both grow alongside each other very happily.
Both are smooth-skinned, a strong resistance to canker and a truly sublime sweet flavour. We really cannot rate these varieties highly enough - and all from one packet of seed!
- Sow March to mid May (we have sown as late as May 26 and had good results).
- Sow three seeds every 6" (15 cm) in" (2 cm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart.
- When large enough to handle thin to one plant per station.
- Top Tips
- Do not be tempted to start these early in plugs or in toilet role cores; transplanted parsnips always result in fangy roots!
- Similarly avoid sowing into freshly manured ground as this to will cause fangy roots.
- Keep parsnips watered during dry spell to avoid cracking or hard cores.
- Whilst you can start harvesting in late summer, for thetruly best flavour do not start lifting and using until after the first frost - patience really is a virtue when it comes to the flavour of parsnips. Frost in the ground converts the starch in the roots to sugar giving them extra sweetness.
This Product is Available Now.General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
Plants Awarded The RHS Award Of Garden Merit
A listing of the seed and plant varieties sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that have been awarded the Award Of Garden Merit by the RHS.
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