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Self Fertile Nut Trees

We often talk about the kitchen garden, veg patch or allotment in terms of fruit and vegetable selections, but nuts are also a valuable addition to any growing space. Their extensive use in cooking and baking cannot be overlooked, and growing your own nut tree at home will only widen your culinary horizons!

Our self-fertile (or self-pollinating) nut trees for sale can be grown as single trees, requiring no pollinating partners to produce fruits. But if you want to maximise your nut tree's yields, we do suggest planting other trees within the same family within the vicinity!

5 Results
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Almond 'Tree Robijn'

sq-almond-robijn-012.jpg Beautiful pinky-white flowers are followed by a heavy crop of soft-shelled nuts with a gorgeously sweet flavour. Self-fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Cobnut Tree 'Webb's Prize Cobnut'

sq-cobnut-webbs-prize-004.jpg A heavy bearing variety that produces large clusters of gorgeously sweet nuts. Perfect for eating green or allowing to ripen fully. Partially self fertile.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.

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Filbert Tree 'Nottingham Cobnut'

sq-filbert-nottingham-cobnut-001.jpg Often misdescribed as a Cobnut. An early cropping variety that produces large richly flavoured nuts. A popular commercial variety. Partially self fertile.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.

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Buy 1 Now for £69.40Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information...

Nut Tree Collection

Six round green, spikey balls, attached to a tree Sweet Chestnut tree, with long dark, green leaves and brown twigs. An amazing collection and something different. Consists of one Filbert, one Sweet Chestnut, one Almond. Great for all nut lovers!
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Supplied as a bare root trees pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Walnut Tree 'Broadview'

A large green, slightly cracked shell (with a walnut inside that you cannot see) on a small part of the walnut tree with green, long, pointy leaves in the background A compact and hardy variety that is rarely damaged by frost. Relatively fast into production - usually within three years. Apomictic (Self Fertile).
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 6 feet tall (190 cm) tall including roots.

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