Bulbing Fennel Seed Sweet Florence
Foeniculum vulgare 'Sweet Florence'
- Every part of this can be used in the kitchen!
- An extremely graceful plant that doesn't look out of place planted in the vegetable garden, herb garden or even in your ornamental borders.
Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.
This Product is Available Now.GBP1 or more £2.95 each
A very, very underrated vegetable with so many uses; every part of the plant is edible!
The fern-like foliage can be trimmed and used like the conventional herb, the seeds can be dried and used for cooking, and, of course, the thick stems and bulbs can be grated raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable.
In addition to all its culinary uses, Fennel is also widely used for its medicinal benefits, including the treatment of heartburn, colic, wind, irritable bowel, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, suppressing appetite, breast enlargement, promoting menstruation, improving the digestive system, milk flow, increasing urine flow, decreasing water retention, lowering blood pressure, boosting libido, improving respiratory congestion and coughs, and has been indicated for high blood pressure and to boost sexual desire. It is also used for cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy treatments to help rebuild the digestive system. Fennel relaxes the smooth muscle lining the digestive tract (making it an antispasmodic).
An extremely graceful plant that doesn't look out of place planted in the vegetable garden, herb garden or even in your ornamental borders.
- Sow thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills in rows 18" (45 cm) apart from May to July. (can be sown from late March under protection for an earlier crop).
- Thin seedlings to 12" (30cm) apart when large enough to handle.
- As the bulbs increase in size periodically earth up soil around each bulb until they reach maturity (3" - 4" in diameter)
- Lift bulbs as required once mature.
Top Tips
- Thrives in a well-drained soil so add additional drainage to clay soils.
- Do not sow too early as cold weather will cause it to go to seed prematurely.
- Enjoys a full sun position.
- Once bulbs start to swell keep the plants well watered.
- Avoid growing in close proximity to Dill or Coriander in order to avoid cross-pollination.
As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.
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General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
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