Wormwood Seed
Artemisia absinthium
- Pretty herb that looks stunning in the moonlight.
- Should always be treated with respect!
- Hardy, perennial.
- Reaches 4 feet (1200 cm) tall.
- Prefers a sunny, moist position.
Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £2.25GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
Wormwood is very attractive to look at with its silver leaves which are stunning with the moonlight on them! Extremely bitter taste if eaten as a herb, but is an excellent repellent of mice, flies, moths, ants and insects.
An infusion in years gone by was used to expel worms from the human body! Also used in the manufacture of vermouth.
Named to honour Artemisia who was the sister and wife of the Greek/Persian King Mausolus, and who ruled after his death in 353BC. She built a magnificent tomb, called the Mausoleum (one of the seven wonders of the world) in his honour. Artemsia was a famous botanist and medicinal researcher!
A member of the daisy family.
- Hardy, deciduous subshrub.
- Perennial.
- Yellow flowers July to September.
- Bitter but aromatic, grey-green leaves.
- Reaches 2 - 4 feet (60 - 1200 cm) tall.
- Likes a position in full sun but will tolerate some shade.
- Makes an attractive border plant.
- Prefers a light, dry, well-drained soil.
- Sow in spring or autumn in shallow drills (no more than 1" (2 cm) deep. Aternatively you can leave them uncovered.
- Thin seedlings as required.
- Plant 18"- 3 feet (45 - 100 cm) apart.
- Do not plant near fennel, sage, caraway, anise as when it rains wormwood can release its growth-inhibiting toxin and will affect other plants.
- Not suitable for indoor growing.
- Can become invasive so needs to be kept under control.
- Culinary Uses.
- Used commercially to make vermouth and other aperitifs.
- Medicinal Uses.
- Can expell internal worms.
- Can treat bronchitis and colds.
- Cardiac stimulant.
- The Chinese use the leaves to stop nosebleeds by rolling up the leaves and putting them in their nostrils.
- Has disinfectant and antiseptic properties.
- Can be used to stimulate appetite.
- Can increase vitality
- Reduce flatulence.
- Can improve bad breath.
- Can stimulate and tone the uterus, liver and gall bladder (it increases the flow of bile)
- Can help digestive disorders, liver and gall-bladder problems.
- Can relieve upset stomach.
- Can be used to treat epilepsy and nervous disorders.
- Can treat fevers, bruises and sprains.
- Can be used for pain relief and relaxes spasms.
- Other Uses.
- Can be used in bouquets and wreaths.
- Can be used as a moth repellent.
- If laid between rows of carrots and onions wormwood can deter the onion and carrot fly.
- Can be used to make disinfectant or insecticide for older plants.
- Grown near hen houses can deter lice.
- Can deter Cabbage White butterflies.
- Can deter fruit moths.
- Hanging leaves in a granary are said to dispel beetles!
- Boil to make a yellow dye.
- If dried and burnt it can help develop psychic powers.
As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.Never exceed doses given and only for short periods of time in any event. Can cause nausea and damage to the nervous system. Avoid during pregnancy and if sensitive to the compositae family. Never give to children.
This Product is Available Now.This product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
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How To...
How To Sow & Grow Herbs
Detailed advice on sowing and growing herbs outside and under protection. Includes information on watering and pest control.
General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
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