Tomato Plants
If there's one staple that every gardener should grow, it's the tomato. Tomato plants are popular with home growers for many reasons, but perhaps the top two benefits of growing your own tomato plants are the ability to enjoy the fruits straight from the vine, and the greater choice of tomato varieties that growing your own gives you.
Our tomato plants are grown and supplied direct from our nursery. Like everything we grow, we actually grow every variety of tomato plant that we sell (and a few more!) here on the nursery, so can happily advise on flavour!
Once established, tomato plants are relatively easy to grow on at home, providing you have shelter from frosts early in the growing season. We supply a fantastic variety of the most succulent and flavoursome tomatoes available, including an array of heirloom/heritage varieties with first-rate flavour.
Our tomato plants selection includes many different types of tomatoes - from cordon (vine) tomatoes that need side shoots pinching out, to bush tomatoes that can be left largely to their own devices. Small and super-sweet cherry tomatoes to big beefsteak type tomatoes, golden and purple varieties, as well as tomatoes that are entirely suited to cooking. You won't be disappointed!
Our tomato plants for sale are supplied directly from our UK nursery, shipped as compost block-grown plants and ready for potting on once received.
Tomato Plant 'Ailsa Craig'
Traditional, heritage delicious cordon tomato, medium sized, red fruit. Very prolific and can be grown indoors or outside.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant.
Tomato Plant 'Black Krim'
A heritage, purple/black fruiting beefsteak tomato. Amazing flavour and large fruits on a prolific plant. Can be grown inside or out.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant 'Harry's Italian Plum'
Delicious, heritage, large, meaty, plum tomato. Originating from Italy and exclusive to Victoriana.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant Shirleys' Pixie
A bush tomato that can be grown in the conventional way - or late planted for Winter cropping. Dwarf in habit it produces heavy crops of medium sized fruit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
Tomato Plant 'Sungold'
A sunshine yellow/orange cherry tomato with lovely flavour and texture. Easy to grow and reliable and heavy cropping. Can be grown indoor or outside.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant 'Super Sweet 100'
Extremely tasty thin skinned cherry sized tomato that produces amazing trusses (of up to a 100 fruits per truss!). Cordon or indeterminate F1 hybrid variety.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
Tomatoes and potatoes that grow from the same plant! Recommended for outdoor growing, these are great fun and it really works, you do get tomatoes and potatoes together!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant.