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Perennial Flower Seeds

It is entirely possible to grow your own garden plants from scratch with our selection of perennial flowers! Our perennial seeds selection encompasses a large range of plants that can be grown in many different soil types and aspects, with every order placed through Victoriana entitled to a free growing guide. And, of course, the fantastic part about perennials is that the plants often survive and continue to bloom for years on end, making them the ultimate low-cost, high-yield investment!

16 Results
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Anemone De Caen & St Brigid Corm Selection

sq-anemone-de-caen-st-brigid-mix-001.jpg Hardy corms which are excellent for producing cut flowers. Also known as Windflower or Poppy-flowered Anemone. Simply beautiful.
Available Now
Supplied as ready-to-plant corms.

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Blanketflower Seed 'Arizona Sun'

sq-gaillardia-arizona-sun-004.jpg Will flower in its first season. Bright red flowers have a cheerful yellow margin to their petals. This flower was awarded an RHS Fleuroselect Gold Medal.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.

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Buttercup seed

J-Buttercup.jpg A cheerful, bright yellow flower, which is a hardy perennial. A traditional wild flower in Britain that is on the decline. Reaches approximately 8" - 20" tall.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 400 seeds

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Dandelion Seed

J-Dandelion.jpg Gorgeous yellow flower that turns into a stunning blowball before the wind blows and it self-seeds. Great for making tea. Perennial in habit.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 1,000 seeds

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Emerald Velvet Lawn Grass Seed

A lush green lawn, mowed in a square pattern showing two shades of green. Makes a lovely lawn (without rye grass), one pack will cover approx 2.5 metres. Best sown in Spring or Autumn in good weather conditions
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Supplied as a 185g pack of seed suitable for an area of approximately 2.5 square metres.

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English Bluebell Seed

sq-hyacinthoides-non-scripta-004.jpg Revive the English Bluebell with this bluebell seed from an established and sustainable source. Beautiful blue spring time flowers, amazing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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English Daisy Seed

sq-bellis-perennis-001.jpg Sometimes known as the Common Daisy or Lawn Daisy. So beautiful with its white petals and sunshine yellow centre. Perennial and evergreen. Ground cover habit. Loved by bees.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 2,500 seeds

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Miniature Rose Seed

sq-rosa-polyantha-001.jpg True miniature roses. Semi double and single flowers in shades of pink, crimson, apricot and some white. Good for bees and pollinating insects.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds.

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Old English Pinks Seed

sq-dianthus-caryophyllus-pinks-002.jpg The origin of this strain goes back more than 300 years. Sweetly perfumed flowers, well suited for bedding schemes or as cut flowers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Pond Side Plant Seed

sq-wildlife-pond-001.jpg A mix of seed to grow a range of pond side plants such as Marsh Marigolds, Reeds, Water Forget Me Not, Water Mint and many more. Easy to sow at any time of the year.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of seed to produce over 500 plants.

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Pyrethrum Seed Mix

Pyrethrum Seed Mix A good mix that is particularly useful for filling that colour gap between Spring and Summer flowering subjects. Hardy herbaceous perennial.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Victorian Polyanthus Seed

sq-primula-victorian-mix-004.jpg A hardy perennial of the original, organic, open-pollinated strain seldom found these days. A really hardy true Victorian variety with amazing colours.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds.

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Wild Flower Meadow Seed Mixture

Wild flower meadow at RHS Wisley Gardens, with lots of bright yellow butter cup type flowers and grasses in flower with red ferns. A delightful mix of English grown wildflower seeds and grasses that will attract butterflies and pollinating insects as well as look amazing! Easy to sow and maintain.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of over 500 blended seeds.

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Wild Red Clover Seed

Wild Red Clover Seed Perennial. A beautiful purple/pink flowering addition to your garden to encourage pollinating insects (particularly bumblebees) and to increase fertility of your soil.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet approximately 1500 seeds - sufficient to cover an area of 1.5 metre squared

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Wild White Clover Seed

Trifolium repens or white clover flowers, which have lots of thin spikey type leaves from the centre, white start green, merge to pink and then white, growing on their three, oval shaped, green leaves This provides excellent pollen for honey bees, is very easy to grow and looks really pretty with it's white flowers! Will grow on poor soil. Perennial.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 3000 seeds - sufficient for an area of 3 square metres.

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Fuchsia Seed

A selection of different, colourful fuchsia plants at RHS Wisley Gardens. Colours include, pink, white, purple and orange, with green foliage Grow and name your own fuchsias from seed. Great fun, and not as difficult as you might think! Open pollinated seed from our 6000 square feet Fuchsia House.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a packet of approx 18 seeds.

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