How To Grow Globe Artichokes

Globe Artichokes are highly decorative, with silvery foliage and large, thistle-like flowerheads, parts of which are edible.
Planting Out
Globe Artichokes prefer a well-drained but moisture-retentive soil and a full sun position. They cannot tolerate drying out in summer. Prepare the site by incorporating plenty of organic matter to improve moisture retention.
Plant out from late April onwards, setting plants 3 feet x 3 feet apart (90 cm x 90 cm) at a depth of 2" (5 cm).
Water well in dry spells and keep free from weeds. In their first season plants will produce a single head. Remove this to divert energy to building up the plants.
In their second year, if larger heads are required, reduce the number of heads to three and apply a high-potash liquid feed. Smaller buds can be eaten but are not as tasty as mature heads.
Each winter, earth up round the plants and cover with a 6" (15 cm) layer of straw or bracken. Further protect plants with horticultural fleece or newspaper.
Globe artichokes are vulnerable to attack by slugs and snails. Black bean aphids may attack leaves and stem tips and root aphids can also be a problem. We recommend treatment with our BioFriend Plant Defence. utf the stem at the base of the flower head. If there are other flower buds on the stem cut off the terminal bud with a short length of stem to encourage secondary shoots, which may produce a second crop.
3 ResultsArtichoke Plant 'Green Globe'
A reliable hardy, heritage variety of Globe Artichoke. Perennial in habit it will produce fine quality globes that can be harvested small or large.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
Artichoke Plant 'Romanesco'
The traditional artichoke with a twist! Produces eye catching purple-tinted globes. Heads are tight and firm. A highly ornamental plant in its own right.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
Artichoke Plant 'Tavor'
A hardy perennial vegetable. An improved selection of 'Green Globe'. Excellent Winter cold tolerance. Can crop in first year. Mature plants produce 8 or more globes per year.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.