How to Sow & Grow Carrots

Carrots need light, fertile, well-drained soil, and prefer a sunny site in open ground. They don't like freshly-manured ground so prepare seed beds the previous autumn. If you have soil that is stony, shallow, or heavy clay, choose a short-rooted variety such as our Paris Market Atlas, to avoid stunted or forked carrots. Short-rooted varieties can also be grown in containers. Early sowings should be covered with cloches, or else try growing carrots in your greenhouse border during the winter.
Before sowing, clear any weeds, and dig over the soil to produce a fine tilth, removing any lumps.
Sow seeds thinly in rows 12" (30 cm) apart. Sow in drills ½" (1 cm) deep. Water the area using a fine spray to minimise seed disturbance. Keep soil moist until germination. This will take 10-20 days.
All Year Round Blend
Sow February-April (under protection) or April to August outside in the open.
Or sow October-early December (under protection) for young Easter carrots.
Cosmic Colour Collection
Sow March-April (under protection) or April to June outside in the open.
Paris Market Atlas
Sow February-April (under protection) or April to August outside in the open.
Sow late April to June outside in the open.
When plants are large enough to handle, thin out to 2-3" (5-7.5 cm) apart - this is best done in stages. Make sure you eat the thinnings - they're delicious!
Weed by hand, and avoid crushing the foliage as this will attract carrot flies. Water sparingly (carrots need less water than other vegetables) but try to avoid drought then flood as this causes carrots to split.
Growing carrots in containers
Short-rooted carrot varieties will grow happily in containers so are ideal for patios and balconies. Choose a container at least 8" (20cm) deep, and fill with a good general compost. Feed growing carrots every couple of weeks with a liquid feed, and make sure the compost doesn't dry out, especially in hot weather.
Pests and diseases
Carrot fly is a common pest. The larvae burrow into the carrots, creating tunnels leaving the carrots susceptible to rot. Once you have carrot fly in a crop there is nothing you can do to get rid of it. To deter carrot fly, water the rows with our BioFriend Plant-Defence when you thin or hoe your carrots. Weed and thin in the evening when the flies are less active. Always remember to take the thinnings away - if left on the ground they will attract carrot flies. Alternatively, keep plants covered with insect netting. Carrot flies travel low to the ground and a barrier will deter them. It's also worth growing carrots close to leeks or spring onions as the smell will deter flies.
Carrots are ready to harvest 9 to 11 weeks after sowing, depending on the variety. Pull a few test carrots to check. Carrots left in the open ground or stored in clamp beds should be strawed over to protect from frost.
4 ResultsCarrot Seed - All Year Round Blend
A carefully blended selection of carrot seed varieties that can be sown almost any time of year to produce a worthwhile crop. The easy way to grow carrots!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 2000 seeds.
Carrot Seed - Cosmic Colour Collection
Vibrant red, white, purple and sulphur yellow carrots will bring colour to the dining table. Crisp and sweet flavour. (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.
Carrot Seed 'Paris Market Atlas'
Short and stubby, almost spherical carrots. Perfect for growing in shallow soils or containers. A novel alternative to conventional carrots, with a lovely flavour.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.
Carrot Seed 'Resistafly'
A carrot fly-resistant variety with an excellent flavour and a good crunch. Best grown as second early or maincrop. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.