Broad Bean Seeds
Broad beans seeds are easy to grow and they are a really nice large seed so can be a really good first seed for children or those with learning difficulties to grow. Our children grew them at school in a clear container lined with damp kitchen towel to keep them moist so they could watch how the seed grew its roots. Ireally is quite facinating!
Broad beans are also very good for you, containing no saturated fat or cholesterol but lots of thiamin, vitamin K and B6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron and fibre as well as a good source of protein.
Broad beans can be eaten raw or cooked and are quite versatile. They are also quite hardy so are a good early and late crop.
We offer several varieties of broad bean seed for you to choose from and you can buy online, over the phone or by post. We will then dispatch your order anywhere within the UK.
Broad Bean Seed 'Bunyard's Exhibition'
A heavy-cropping white-seeded variety producing long pods containing 8 or 9 beans. Very good flavour and excellent for freezing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Broad Bean Seed 'Monica'
A quick-maturing, high-yielding broad bean suitable for early, mid, late and over-winter sowings. Produces long pods with delicious creamy white beans.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Broad Bean Seed 'The Sutton'
A dwarf broad bean ideal for the smaller plot, producing deliciously tender beans. Extremely hardy and perfect for over-wintering.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.