How To Sow & Grow Brassicas

Growing brassicas in the UK can be a lot of fun, they are very hardy and many can be grown over the Winter to give you a delicious early, home-grown crop but don't forget to hang a scarecrow to keep the pigeons away.
Spring Sprouting Broccoli
Sow in seed trays April-May. Pot on seedlings before planting out. Set out when hardened off and large enough to handle, 2 feet (60 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Harvest from February-May the following year.
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Sow indoors February to March, outside March to June. Lightly cover the sown seed and keep damp. Pot on seedlings before planting out. Set out when hardened off and large enough to handle. Plant 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Harvest June to October. Reaches approximately 3 feet (90 cm) tall by 2 feet (60 cm) wide.
Brussels Sprouts
Sow April to May thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart, or sow into trays or modules. Sow ¾"(2 cm) deep.
Set out when large enough 2 feet (60 cm) by 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Plant firmly, and in windy areas consider staking.
Use netting to protect against pigeons, and to combat the dreaded Cabbage White butterfly, inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
For Early Cropping
Sow under protection in trays February to March. Set out when large enough, and fully hardened off, 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately June-September.
For Main Cropping
Sow from March to May thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough 24" (60 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately August-October.
For Winter Cropping
Sow May to June thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough 24" (60 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately November-March.
For Over-wintering
Sow August to September thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart under protection - greenhouse, polytunnel or cloche. Harvest approximately February (as spring greens)-May.
Do not overfeed winter crops as this makes them more susceptible to frost damage. Use netting to protect against pigeons. To combat the dreaded Cabbage White butterfly, inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
Calabrese (Broccoli)
Sow in seed trays from early March until July. Pot on seedlings before planting out. Set out, when hardened off and large enough to handle, 2 feet (60 cm) apart in rows 2½ ft (60 cm) apart. Harvest from June-November.
For Early Cropping
Sow under protection in trays February to March. Set out when large enough, and fully hardened off, 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately June-September.
For Main Cropping
Sow from March to May thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough to handle 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately August-October.
For Winter Cropping
Sow May to June thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough to handle 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart. Harvest approximately December-March.
For Over-Wintering
Sow August to September thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots. Set out when large enough 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm) apart under protection- greenhouse, polytunnel or cloche. Harvest approximately May-June.
Bend leaves over the developing head to protect from sun during the summer and frost in the winter. Do not overfeed winter crops as this makes them more susceptible to frost damage. Use netting to protect against pigeons. To combat the dreaded Cabbage White butterfly, inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
Cut-and-Come-Again Cauliflower
This cauliflower can be planted out any time of year unless the ground is frozen. Plant 3 feet (90 cm) apart in a rich soil. The principal cropping season is early spring. It can take up to 10 months before plants produce fully rounded caulis - the 'sprouting' they produce meantime can of course be eaten! Trim back the plant a little with shears after cropping to encourage new growth once the plants start getting huge! (i.e. cut off about 18" (45 cm) of foliage). To suppress weed growth and to encourage good root growth mulch with good organic compost. Do not overfeed winter crops as this makes them more susceptible to frost damage. Use netting to protect against pigeons. To combat the dreaded Cabbage White butterfly, inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
Chinese Broccoli (Kai-lan)
Sow thinly April - September in drills ¾" (2 cm) deep in rows 12" (30 cm) apart, or sprinkle thinly in containers. For use as a cut-and-come-again leaf crop thin to 4" (10 cm) apart. For eating 'whole' thin to 12" (30 cm), and remember to eat the thinnings! For overwintering crops sow under protection, in the same manner, from August-mid October.
Sow ¾" (2 cm) deep in modules or small pots from March-June. When large enough to handle plant out 2 feet (60 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm), unless you are planning to grow as a cut-and-come-again crop in which case you can plant as close as 4" (10 cm) apart in the row. Harvest in late autumn-early spring.
Kohl Rabi
The best crops are achieved in alkaline soils, so lime ground before sowing/planting if necessary. Avoid sowing or planting outside until temperature is above 50°F (10°C) to prevent bolting. Ensure plants are kept well watered as if they dry out they can become woody.
For Early Crops
Sow in modules or small pots 1" (2.5 cm) deep in March-April, germinate and grow on under protection. Plant out when large enough to handle 9" (23 cm) in rows 12" (30 cm) apart.
For Later Crops
When ground has warmed up sow thinly in rows 12" (30 cm) apart and ½" (1 cm) deep. Thin to 9" (23 cm) apart when large enough to handle.
Savoy Cabbage
Sow from April to May thinly in rows 6" (15 cm) apart. Sow in ½" (1 cm) deep drills. Thin to one seedling per 3" (7.5 cm) or transplant into suitable pots.
Set out when large enough 18" (45 cm) apart in rows 18" (45 cm) apart. Harvest approximately November-February. Savoy cabbages grow well in a rich soil, but too rich a soil or overfeeding will make them less hardy and more susceptible to frost damage. Use netting to protect against pigeons, and to combat the dreaded Cabbage White butterfly, inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
Walking Stick Cabbage
Also known as Giant Jersey Kale, this likes a sunny position in well-drained, fertile soil, though it will tolerate some shade. Sow during the spring, and plant out when large enough to handle, 4 feet (1.2 metres) x 2½ feet (75 cm) apart. It can reach 10 feet (3 metres) in height, though 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 metres) is more normal. It flowers from May-August, and both flowers and leaves are edible.
Please note that all brassicas are suspectable to cabbage white butterflies. The 'friendlies' way to deal with this is to remove the caterpillars or insect-net the crop (but beware - the butterflies are very clever at laying their eggs through the nets!). You can also water the foliage with our BioFriend Plant Defence to deter them. And watch out for pigeons. We have found that hanging CDs or scarecrows with 'dangling bits' helps to frighten them off.
14 ResultsBrussels Sprout Seed Blend
A vegetable that is either loved or hated! A blend of four old and established varieties to extend the cropping season from September until April.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
Brussels Sprout Seed 'Red Ball'
Bright crimson sprouts with a delicious nutty taste, better than the traditional green varieties. Sweet enough to be eaten raw.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.
Cabbage Seed Blend
A blend of ten distinct varieties of cabbage, including Red and Savoy types. Will provide both varietal interest and the potential of year-round cropping.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Cauliflower Seed 'Snowball'
A long-established favourite with tight heads that truly are snow-white in colour. Excellent keeping qualities. Suitable for growing and cropping every season.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.
Kai-Lan Seed (Chinese Broccoli)
Thick fleshy blue-green stems and leaves add real 'meat' to stir fries. Also produces small flower heads similar to broccoli.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.
Kale Seed 'Dwarf Green Curled'
This is an extremely sweet, non-bitter kale; can even be eaten raw in salads. Dwarf in habit.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Kohl Rabi Seed - Purple, Green & Giant
An excellent summer, autumn and early winter vegetable. Stems swell to tennis ball-sized proportions or larger. Mild and sweet in flavour.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 230 mixed seeds.
Summer Purple, Purple Sprouting Broccoli Seed
A British-bred purple sprouting broccoli to be harvested in the summer. High-yielding, with a lovely purple colour and very tasty!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.
Rainbow Cauliflower Seed
A blend of four of the most unusual cauliflowers around! Will produce violet, orange, green and 'turreted' heads (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds.
Red Cabbage Seed Blend
Just a little bit different to the normal green. Can be used in the normal way or used for pickling, etc. A blend of varieties to ensure successional cropping. (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Savoy Cabbage Seed Blend
Probably the hardiest of all the cabbage family - so versatile. A blend of varieties to ensure successional cropping (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Spring Sprouting Broccoli Seed Blend
A useful blend of both purple and white sprouting broccoli to extend the cropping season and provide colour interest (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
Walking Stick Cabbage Seed
Also known as Giant Jersey Kale. In time gone by this very tall growing variety of cabbage was grown for making walking sticks. Of course it is also edible!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.
Cauliflower Plant 'Cut 'n' Come Again'
Sometimes known as Nine Star Perennial Broccoli. An excellent multi-headed cauliflower that is perennial in habit. Each plant will produce approximately ten tennis ball-sized heads per year with amazing flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March / early April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.